Join Madison NOW at the Women’s March Anniversary Day of Action in Milwaukee!

The event will focus on uplifting the accomplishments of women of color and investing in the transformational work they have accomplished over the last year.

We will rally outside the Milwaukee County Courthouse, then march to the Wisconsin Center. At the Wisconsin Center, attendees will hear from speakers from several community organizations and have the opportunity to support them as well as local businesses owned by women of color.

Madison NOW will meet at 9:50 am next to the Polonia Fountain, in front of the south entrance of the Milwaukee County Courthouse. Look for our purple equality banner, and NOW round signs. Attendees should wear red to the Day of Action events!

Women’s March Anniversary Day of Action–Milwaukee
Saturday, January 20, 2018

9:50 am: Meetup with Madison NOW at the Polonia Fountain, facing the south Milwaukee County Courthouse entrance
10 am: Rally at the Milwaukee County Courthouse
11 am: March to the Wisconsin Center
12–3 pm: Afternoon of Action

Rally Bus