Continuing the Discussion: Day 2

As promised, we’re continuing the discussion sparked by the appearance of a Black Genocide display in the Wisconsin State Capitol by sharing more information and perspectives on an issue that is too complex and immense to be summed up by a display by anti-choice extremists, or by the sign which we posted in response to the original display.

Today we’re reading two articles from SisterSong’s Summer 2011 publication of Collective Voices. SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective was formed in 1997. The collective seeks to “amplify and strengthen the collective voices of Indigenous women and women of color to ensure reproductive justice through securing human rights.” It’s an amazing organization and if you’re just learning about SisterSong, we highly encourage you to visit their website and read about their work.

We also recommend that you check out the following articles from their Summer 2011 issue of Collective Voices.

  • Is Abortion “Black Genocide” by Kathryn Joyce, Political Research Associates (p. 8)
  • The Right to FIGHT by Dionne Turner, SisterSong Communications Assistant (p. 10)

Both address arguments and tactics used in the Black Genocide display in our state Capitol and do an amazing job of articulating exactly why these tactics are problematic and offensive.