Madison NOW Golden Probes Watch Party – We nominated Scott Walker

Golden Probes Watch Party with Madison NOW
Sunday, October 28, 7–8:30 pm
Home of member Kate Kobriger
Register for address 

We nominated Scott Walker for a Golden Probe! What’s a Golden Probe you ask? It’s a distinction for politicians running for office this fall who pose the biggest threat to reproductive rights.

Join us for a Golden Probes Watch Party to see if he won. We’ll have food, drinks, giveaways, feminist fellowship and ways to get involved to fight back.

With Roe v Wade on the chopping block, the November 6 election is more important than ever.

Come have a great night watching celebs roast this year’s worst politicians and get amped up to get out the vote in November!

About the Golden Probes:

Five time Grammy and Emmy nominated comedian Margaret Cho hosts the most important award show ever! Dubbed “Sexism’s Most Glamorous Night,” Lady Parts Justice’s Golden Probes are an extravaganza of comedy and music, created to raise awareness about the politicians running for office this fall who pose the biggest threat to reproductive rights!

Along with Cho, the Probes is also thrilled to announce special appearances by Stormy Daniels, Lizz Winstead (The Daily Show, founder of Lady Parts Justice), Taylor Schilling, Natasha Lyonne, Jessica Pimentel (Orange Is the New Black), Dan Savage (Host of Savage Lovecast, Writer of Savage Love), Sandra Bernhard, Jordan Klepper (The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper),  WITH MORE ANNOUNCEMENTS TO COME!

Our nomination:

The Madison chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) nominates Governor Scott Walker for the People’s Probe.

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker is known for his efforts advancing an anti-choice and anti-woman agenda while making healthcare inaccessible. He took this to a whole new level by spending nearly $4,000 of taxpayer money on a private flight to attend the opening ceremony of one of Wisconsin’s 80 crisis pregnancy centers, which posture as real clinics while administering no actual healthcare and distributing medically inaccurate information to people seeking abortions.

When it comes to facilities that provide actual medical care, Walker’s stance is reversed: he’s defunded Wisconsin’s Planned Parenthood clinics, which provide annual exams, cancer screenings, birth control, and sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment. He signed into law a pair of bills that cut federal funding for patients receiving non-abortion care at these clinics, resulting in five clinics in rural communities being shuttered. This one act has caused countless Wisconsinites to go without needed healthcare.

Walker has also inserted himself into the doctor-patient relationship by signing into law:

With Walker, misinformation is rewarded, while responsible care is penalized.

All of this might lead one to believe that Scott Walker is solely focused on making women’s healthcare inaccessible. In fact, Walker imposes his worldview on many fronts. He repealed the Healthy Youth Act which required schools to provide medically accurate sex education. Walker repealed Wisconsin’s law against gender-based pay discrimination, even though Wisconsin women continue to make just 78 cents on the dollar compared to Wisconsin men. And, if this wasn’t not enough to indicate his priorities, Walker reinforced his disdain for women and the women’s movement by neglecting to even mention us in his 2018 State of the State address.

Madison NOW hopes you will recognize Governor Scott Walker’s truly appalling anti-woman and anti-choice record by awarding him the 2018 People’s Probe.

— Kate Kobriger
