The Wisconsin chapter of NOW endorses Kelda Roys for governor

For immediate release
May 14, 2018

Media Contact
Lindsay Lemmer

The Wisconsin chapter of the National Organization for Women proudly endorses Kelda Roys for governor

Madison, Wis. The Wisconsin chapter of the National Organization for Women is pleased to announce their endorsement of Kelda Roys in her campaign for Wisconsin governor. Chapter president Lindsay Lemmer released the following statements.

“Kelda Roys is a leader on issues of equality and women’s healthcare. She started her career fighting for reproductive justice as the executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin, and later as a state legislator, continued to champion issues of critical importance to NOW members. Roys is a tested advocate of equal rights and economic justice, affordable healthcare, and reproductive rights. She has driven positive, bi-partisan advances, such as the Compassionate Care for Rape Victims Act, which was the first pro-choice law in three decades. She’s worked to reduce racial disparities in healthcare, and has fought for equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community throughout her career. In addition, Kelda Roys’ platform includes paid family leave, early childhood education and universally available affordable childcare. These are critical needs for young parents and are topics that are in deep need of legislative leadership.

With all of this in mind, Wisconsin NOW is incredibly fired up to endorse Kelda Roys. We are excited to support a true intersectional feminist to be Wisconsin’s next governor.”


About the National Organization for Women (NOW)

The Wisconsin chapter of the National Organization for Women ( is a multi-issue, multi-generational organization working to bring about increased rights and increased involvement for Wisconsin women. The National Organization for Women ( is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States. NOW has 550 chapters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.