Wisconsin chapter of NOW responds to Jon Plumer’s disorderly conduct citation

Media Contact
Lindsay Lemmer

June 5, 2018

Wisconsin chapter of NOW responds to Jon Plumer’s disorderly conduct citation

Domestic violence must not be tolerated.

It’s been revealed that Republican candidate for the 42nd Assembly district, Jon Plumer, was cited for disorderly conduct in an incident that sounds like a clear case of family violence. According to his previous neighbor, Plumer behaved aggressively and threateningly towards him after Plumer’s daughter ran to his home for help. This followed Plumer physically pushing his daughter out of the house, throwing her mother to the ground, and tearing a phone out of a wall.

“It’s very telling that he blames his disorderly conduct charge on his daughter, continues to minimize the incident, and takes zero responsibility,” said Lindsay Lemmer, president of the Wisconsin chapter of NOW. “He didn’t contest the charge and paid the fine at the time of the incident, yet now changes his story. We cannot trust him as a public servant, and we must not reward someone with public office who appears to have a history of violent, abusive behavior.”

Domestic abuse thrives in silence. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, approximately 40% of family domestic abuse cases go unreported.

The Wisconsin chapter of NOW is appalled by the details of Plumer’s disorderly conduct citation and asks the 42nd Assembly District to hold Plumer accountable for his behavior when they cast their ballot next week.


About the National Organization for Women (NOW)

The National Organization for Women (www.now.org) is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States. NOW has 550 chapters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

The Wisconsin chapter of the National Organization for Women (www.winow.org) is a multi-issue, multi-generational organization working to bring about increased rights and increased involvement for Wisconsin women.


  1. Anna Mullen

    So many cases of domestic violence go unreported because of police reaction following many calls and because the victim often does not call police in the first place knowing that very little or nothing will be done by police and our local courts. I’ve experienced this first hand more than once.

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