Madison NOW’s Galentine’s Event Promises Fun and a Sneak Peek of 2018

February 7, 2018. Madison, Wis. The Madison chapter of the National Organization for Women – Madison NOW – is holding an event inspired by “Galentine’s Day” from the tv show Parks and Recreation. Madison NOW’s event is called “Pal-entine’s Day” to be inclusive of all of NOW’s members, friends and allies. While Galentine’s Day was defined on Parks and Recreation as “a day for ladies celebrating ladies,” Palentine’s Day will be for everyone to celebrate ladies. There will be snacks, drinks, giveaways, and feminist valentine-making! The group will share their focuses for 2018 and highlights from last year. They’ll also share how people can get involved with Madison NOW and support their work.

“We have a lot of ambitious goals for 2018 and are excited to showcase our successes from 2017,” said Lindsay Lemmer, president of Madison NOW. “Madison NOW loves Galentine’s Day, but we wanted an event that’s inclusive of all of our friends, allies, and members, many of whom are not ‘gals’. This is going to be a very fun and casual event with food and giveaways, and a preview of what we’re planning for the year.”

Event Details
Madison NOW Palentine’s Party and Open House
A Galentine’s Day party, inclusive for all friends and allies of Madison NOW!
Tuesday, February 13, 6–8 pm
Lakeside Street Coffeehouse
402 W Lakeside Street, Madison, WI 53715

Event page
Facebook event
Palentine’s Day Flyer



About the National Organization for Women (NOW)

The Madison chapter of the National Organization for Women ( is a multi-issue, multi-generational organization working to bring about increased rights and increased involvement for Wisconsin women. The National Organization for Women ( is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States. NOW has 550 chapters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.